Allergy & Immunology
The Division of Allergy & Immunology, founded in 2005, has grown rapidly in size and stature. It is composed of five physicians who have excellent local reputations. Several members are well-known leaders in Allergy nationally and internationally, who lecture to physician groups and at Allergy meetings worldwide, and do research in various aspects of Allergy and Immunology. The GW Allergists treat all forms of allergic disease including asthma, rhinitis, food allergies and skin allergies, as well as immune deficiency conditions.
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Chosen by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and the Delmarva Foundation as an "Exemplary Service," the Division of Cardiology delivers secondary and tertiary care to a diverse patient population.
The Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism performs a full range of clinical and academic activities including primary and referral care of patients with endocrine disorders, teaching and research.
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Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases
The Division of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases provides primary and tertiary care to patients with a variety of gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders. Educational and research activities of the faculty contribute to the academic mission of GW SMHS and are highly regarded.
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General Internal Medicine
As primary care physicians, we emphasize health promotion and preventative services. Additionally, in our clinics, we manage chronic diseases and address acute complaints and we enjoy the challenge of the undifferentiated patient.
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Genomics & Experimental Medicine
Genomic Medicine is revolutionizing the quality of information that doctors and patients use to make decisions about their health and their treatment.
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Geriatrics & Palliative Medicine
Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of elderly persons, as well as all persons with serious, complex and/or chronic illness through compassionate and skillful multidisciplinary care.
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Hematology & Oncology
In the Division of Hematology and Oncology, we diagnose and offer innovative treatments for nearly every type of solid tumor including cancers of the head & neck, breast, lung, pancreas, liver, kidney, prostate and reproductive system.
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Hospital Medicine
The Division of Hospital Medicine is the Internal Medicine group that cares for patients in the inpatient setting. Our faculty work closely with the residents, medical students and PA students on the medical wards and also staff a non-teaching service. We take care of a wide variety of medical problems that require inpatient admission and see a diverse patient population. The hospitalist group staffs the vast majority of the patients who are admitted to The George Washington University Hospital for medical conditions.
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Infectious Diseases
Infectious disease physicians treat conditions caused by microorganizms including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. We see common infections such as influenza, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections, as well as more unusual illnesses--bone and joint infections, West Nile virus, and Lyme disease, among many others. The Division of Infectious Diseases educates fellows, residents, and medical students at GW SMHS, and conducts research in many areas.
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Kidney Diseases & Hypertension
The division of kidney diseases and hypertension has a long tradition of being at the forefront of innovative research and translating the research to patient care for the past 40 years.
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Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Disorders Medicine
At GW Hospital, the clinical services of the division include busy outpatient clinics with emphasis upon asthma, chronic airways and interstitial lung diseases, sleep medicine, HIV-related lung disease and respiratory dysfunction in chronic neuromuscular disease.
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The Division of Rheumatology provides a full clinical and academic service with a large outpatient practice, ongoing clinical research projects, and programs in health care policy for children with disabilities. Focusing on both acute and long-term care, the program offers a unique training opportunity due to the integration of adult and pediatric rheumatology.