George Washington University Hospital
Completed in 2002, George Washington University Hospital serves a diverse group of patients — from area residents to visiting dignitaries and heads of state. As a designated tertiary care and academic institution, the hospital provides physicians and patients with the latest in technological innovations for the diagnosis and treatment of the most acute clinical conditions. The level 1 trauma center emergency department treats more than 72,000 patients each year and more than 15,000 patients are admitted each year. GW is also designated as a cardiac cath and stroke center by EMS, who preferentially bring us AMI and acute stroke cases from the field.

GW Medical Faculty Associates
The GW Medical Faculty Associates is a non-profit physician group practice corporation comprising the academic clinical faculty for The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. The largest multi-specialty physician practice in Washington, D.C., the MFA includes more than 300 physicians providing medical care in 41 specialty areas.
Visit GW Medical Faculty Associates website

INOVA Fairfax Hospital
Inova Fairfax Hospital is one of the most highly ranked hospitals in the nation. This 753-bed facility includes a brand new heart institute. Fairfax sees over 70,000 ER visits per year and has more than 50,000 admissions per year. The hospital also uses forefront technology to support heart, lung, renal, liver, and pancreatic transplant services. The recent addition of this hospital to our residency program experience will open up 15 new fellowship spots in gastroenterology, cardiology, critical care, infectious disease, nephrology, and hematology/oncology.

Washington D.C. VA Medical Center
The Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC (DCVAMC) medical center's staff of 1,700 provides care to veterans residing in the District of Columbia and portions of Virginia and Maryland. The medical center treats over 50,000 veterans and has over 500,000 outpatient visits each year. This tertiary care teaching facility provides acute general and specialized services in medicine, surgery, neurology and psychiatry, as well offering nursing home care unit treatment.
The DC VAMC is the only VA medical center to hold three medical school affiliations. It is also affiliated with many other colleges and universities in such areas as pharmacy, rehabilitation medicine, biomedical engineering, dietetics, social work, nursing and medical center management. VA manages the largest medical education and health professions training program in the United States. The DCVAMC is among the top 100 "Most Wired" hospitals in the nation according to Hospital & Health Network's (H&HN) magazine, the journal of the American Hospital Association. The DCVAMC is also the 2009 winner of the "Medallion of Excellence," the highest honor presented for organizational achievement by the U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Awards of Virginia (SPQA).

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. For more than 50 years, NIAID research has led to new therapies, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and other technologies that have improved the health of millions of people in the United States and around the world. Our senior residents rotate with faculty at the NIAID providing unique opportunities for research and mentoring.